
Hide and Seek

Now that it's October, I'm only thinking of 2 things: pumpkin pie and halloween. To be honest, I haven't worn a costume since I dressed up as Madonna a while ago (the pointy bra years)... but this year I'm in the mood to hide and seek. I love these 3 photos found on weird fish. They inspire me to have a little fun this October 31st. Awoool!


Anonymous said...

October is agreat time of year for a lot of people. What's not to love about the crisp air of October, the vibrant colors of the changing leaves. it always reminds me of when I was a small child where I would run and hide in the piles of fallen leaves in the garden. They were magical times. October was a time to prepare weeks in advance for halloween and that perfect costume to wear door to door for the bundles of booty. The subdued lighting in these photos are warming and pleasing. Thanks again Reanna.


Kim Velk said...

I love them too! Where are the McArthur people and their genius money? Someone should forward these onto them. Thanks for sharing.

Poppy said...

I plan to wear a cat mask for sure on the 31st. Meow madam!

Make it Easy said...

VERY cute photos!!