
It's a Spectacle

My eyes are dim. I cannot see. I have not brought my specs with me .... I was first introduced to Luke Stephenson on Jen Bekman's 20x200 amazing website. I was lucky enough to pick up one of his canary photos that now sits happily in a little corner by my desk. Besides Luke's awesome bird portraits I've got to give him props for his people wearing spectacles series. Maybe it's because I wear glasses. Maybe it's because they are hilarious. Either way, I think you'll be delighted to discover this photographer's work if you haven't already. Word up!


Anonymous said...

Reanna.. I laughed so hard when I saw the specs photos because they reminded me of when my husband and I first met and we both wore similar frames . The lens were almost as big as our faces. Nostalgic to say the least.


Reanna said...

I remember those glasses! Where are they now? They're pretty fabulous. xo re